Thursday, May 29, 2014

Life is like a tandem bike ride

Some people say life is like a box of chocolates or life is a journey.  Life sometimes is described as a mountain that you climb, but for me life is like a tandem bike ride.  The other Person on the bike is God...

Proverbs 16:1-4, 9
We can make our own plans, but the Lord gives the right answer. 
People may be pure in their own eyes, but the Lord examines their motives. Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed. The Lord has made everything for his own purposes,even the wicked for a day of disaster.

We make our plans, but the 
Lord determines our steps.

These verses are a great reminder for me that God is in control not us.  No matter what we think God is leading us so are we going to follow or be like Jonah and run away...we know how that ended :)   If not read the book of Jonah in the Bible.

Sometimes I even think that my plans are good and I am doing a good thing, but no matter how pure or good I think my plans are God looks at my motives.  Wow, God is deep!  Therefore, whatever we do or plan to do we should pray and seek God's leading on things.  Commit it to God and see what God wants you to do.  If we don't it is like the back person on the tandem bike trying to turn the bike a different direction or is backpedaling when the front person is pedaling forward.  It doesn't work and seems to be a failure when in fact God had this planned a certain way and we should have sought Him out and committed our actions to Him.  Then we would succeeded instead of thinking we failed.  We make our plans but God determines our steps (Proverbs 16:9)...what a great way to live.  Just pray to God about our actions and live life to Glorify Him and you will succeed.  

Some of you might be thinking about the concert that happened here in town and how that fits with this verse.  No we did not get the attendance we were "planning" but that doesn't mean it was a failure.  There was a lot of people there with God moving and working in hearts that night.  We had people receive Christ as their Savior and a lot of hearts refreshed and renewed too, which is awesome!  "In the same way, there is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than over ninety-nine others who are righteous and haven't strayed away!" (Luke 15:7).  In human eyes it did not succeed but in God's eyes it was successful.  Because in the end God's opinion is what matters!  The concert did what was planned to reach out to the community and share the Gospel through this concert.  God is awesome and reached out to who He wanted to reach out that night.   We made the plan but God determined the steps.

Some people in this world might think they are in the front of the tandem bikes taking total control of their own lives, but these verses tell us that in the end God is in control and all of us are in the back of the tandem bike.  God has made everything for His own purpose.  Even Non-Christians cannot destroy what God has planned.  Again, we make our plans, but God determines our steps!

For me I am praying and committing BUMP to God and let Him work how He sees fit.  We made goals as a youth group and we will strive for it, but we cannot do more than what God wants us to the end we will succeed because God is doing the work not us.

SO..Life is like a Tandem Bike...we are pedaling but God is steering and helping us along the way.  Are you going to give God total control of your life and commit your plans to Him?  Live life glorifying God and you will get to see amazing things! 

~Nick Waldron

P.S. I want a tandem bike so bad 

1 comment:

  1. Nick, this is right on! If I would just let God steer while I "stay the course" of providing the legs and back, I'm confident that He will take me amazing places!
